Florida League of Cities

What happens in Washington affects states and municipalities. We need local voices making local choices on the federal level. 

To ensure local voices are heard on Capitol Hill, we created the Federal Action Strike Team (FAST)  to strengthen the League's federal relations by establishing proactive and reactive communications with the Florida congressional delegation in support of federal municipal policy. View the 2023 Federal Action Agenda

FAST takes its policy positions and direction from the League's resolutions committee and the National League of Cities (NLC) policy priorities. 


As the success of this team will be largely dependent upon its grassroots advocacy, FAST members are appointed according to each congressional district. With an existing congressional delegation of 27 U.S. House Members and 2 U.S. Senators, the size of the committee will range from 25 to 30 members with participation reserved to those who display:

  • A strong commitment to and involvement in shaping federal municipal policy;
  • A willingness and ability to establish and maintain effective relationships and communications with delegation members;
  • A commitment to attend both the FAST Fly-in and NLC meetings; and
  • A willingness to actively lobby members of their delegation in Washington and in the district. 

Activities & Events

FAST members meet throughout the year, including an organizational meeting, FAST Fly-ins to Washington D.C., and a reception during the March NLC Congress of Cities meeting in Washington.

The Federal Action Strike Team Fly-In is a Florida League of Cities federal advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. The spring event is scheduled for May 22-23. Events will begin at 9:00 a.m. ET on May 22 and conclude around 5:00 p.m. ET on May 23. View Flyer │ Register Now

During this biannual event, attendees will meet with members of Florida’s congressional delegation to discuss key federal issues that affect municipalities.

Important Change: there is no hotel block. Click here to view a list hotels in the area. There is a $100 registration fee. Register here. For questions, contact Brenda Jones, Legislative Coordinator, Legislative Affairs.

In addition, FAST members are expected to personally meet with their delegation members and staff at least once in the district, and determine the most effective way of communicating the League's federal priorities as often as needed.

Finally, FAST members are expected to contact League staff with any information that may assist in the team's overall efforts, such as member position on issues, anticipated committee or floor action, advanced review of committee markups or amendments.

Contact Allison Payne with any questions.